Sunday, February 24, 2008

love these

the top one is tattiya in kreuzberg.

the middle one is my nephew baraka.

the bottom one is a collage of some of my polaroids from berlin.

bonus points

we rode the scooter through the rain to discover something quite unexpected:

they are very bright and childlike (in a good way)

i met trevor of cocaine mule. nice guy. you can buy his bags online and see some prototypes at unitard.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

energy energy energy

today i finished an energy survey study for, in part, margot jacobs and realized that i don't even know what 'what types of electricity do you use throughout your day' means. oops. static? thermal? are those 'energies' or 'electricities'? my diagram of what energy means to me is a giant hooded monster with freeways for legs plugged into the ongoing circle of energy around us. FUN.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


so close to work is beautiful.

i'm reading the wasteland again. it's also beautiful.

stop in for a coffee.

anyone have a desk chair, bookshelf, or coffee table he/she wants to rid themselves of?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

high fives for things working out

congrats to sugar hair salon on a great turnout last night to celebrate the last night of their first art exibit.

congrats to greg for being an awesome boyfriend for you know what.

thanks to david for helping us move a new couch in.

thanks to katie for the free couch.

thanks to michelle for being awesome and thanks to margot for being magicalness and thanks to neal for the email.

i could go on.

happy saturday.

Friday, February 15, 2008

back up a few days

and this is what intelligentsia looked like


but now it's better and we just have big plexiglass things.

Monday, February 11, 2008

weekends like that are worth losing sleep over

began with midnightridazzzz

phill visited, we had korean bbq
in a friend's backyard

, tattiya and i went to the opera (tristan and isolde) with michelle, ethiopian food.. amazing.

monday=getting turned around on my way to a haircut, taking me through elysian park. beautifully random. haircut! then coffee and new book (terrance hayes's WIND IN A BOX rocks my fucking socks) from skylight, soon to be my new spot, getting even more super-stoked on moving to los feliz. oh, and we removed the silly blue things from around our espresso machines at intelligentsia so life there is somewhat improved. submitted some poems. went to sleep early cause had to work at 5am on tuesday.

tuesday=tiring start. gorgeous day though. upon arriving to work was pleasantly surprised with my two copies of issue 1 of margins mag including my poem "spoke cards." made me feel good. stopped at orange 20 to talk with kyle about coffee and bikes. came home to tattiya home early cause she's working early all week on a new project. nap time! wrote a poem to go with our diorama for diorama club2k8. strolled sunset between lavetta and park/glendale looking at the other pieces. awesome.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

no joke

we've got these absurd blue things engulfing our synesso espresso machines at intelligentsia. they're absurd and trying to work behind them while taking orders and interacting with customers is also quite absurd. luckily, they are only a temporary solution to a health-code violation and we'll be freed from them sometime soon. that's all for now. oh, and this weekend we're going to the opera. !! hearts,

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I've come so far

from writing drunken poems about a bleakness

from watching
and re-watching
movies where characters escape
to the wilderness
-basics like the smell of things charred-
and from calling out
for help with little things
-hints that can't be held-
from almost sleeping
through classes (engagement)

so far from wishing for years to pass

so that I might become who I want to be.

© 2008, Jared Linzmeier

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

late, and with tangled hair

Days spent
out here in the cold

people drowning out
the wooden walls of smirks

passing by as the days hush
to themselves, filming cheeks in the rain.

There's an urgency in the way
I tried to interrupt you.

There's an urgency because I
had to apologize for thinking
you were mocking me

when in truth you were just
mirroring back what I'd said
without confidence

shining light on a mode of friendship
employing this loftiness of heart this lightness.

I'm realizing now as you sleep
that it must sound crazy
for me to talk about loving exhausting
to the bottoms getting to the underneaths
the ways of things

when I'm leaving you with partials
trickled I don't knows

It's taken me this long
it's taken me to see that

the length it's taken
is six beers
or so
and a spliff
and now waking in the middle of the night,
parched and thirsty
(having dreamt of water thirst)
to sit now on the floor

in the only light coming
from the neighbor's window
and the two sounds
are your light
snoring and the rumble of the S-bahn

and I understand a suspension in the Berlin morning.

© 2008, Jared Linzmeier

Monday, February 4, 2008

a shave

for the first time in a year or more. and i'm feeling fresh.

so where we're at:

tattiya and i just got back from berlin and

it was awesome.

now i'm sorting through many, many poetic fragments and will be posting some soon.

on feb. 15 we begin moving to our new apartment in los feliz. also awesome.