Sunday, March 22, 2009

This isn't a device
anymore isn't spring
in its full harness form
more like visiting a city
wanting to occupy it,
buying groceries, routines.

Today's gloom is deep
mean reds like
springing like two
middle fingers
with his name on them
and oh so luscious
like your beauty
through wasting

this isn't going
to keep me away
isn't clothed at night
is ready to move
to another park.

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 9:12 PM, Jared Linzmeier wrote:

This isn't a device
anymore isn't spring
in its full harness form
more like visiting a city
wanting to occupy it,
buying groceries, routines.

this isn't going
to keep me away
isn't clothed at night
is ready to move
to another park.